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The Most Effective Ways To Keep Your Retainer Clean

The Most Effective Ways To Keep Your Retainer Clean

You've finally finished months or years of wearing braces and now you have to start wearing a retainer. You might be wondering how you can keep it clean and fresh as you wear it every day. Our Burnaby Orthodontists explain.

How to keep your retainer clean

Maintaining a clean and fresh retainer can be just as important as your orthodontic treatment. Here are some tips and tricks for extending the life of your retainer and keeping it squeaky clean during daily wear.

1: Clean your retainer often

Your retainer sits on your teeth for a lot of time every day, so it’s important that they stay clean so they work effectively and so your oral health isn't impacted by a dirty retainer.

Following each meal, clean removable retainers with lukewarm water. To achieve a more thorough clean, combine the water with mild dish soap. Avoid using toothpaste to clean your retainer, as its abrasive properties may scratch the surface, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to hide.

Daily flossing is recommended for fixed or bonded retainers. With a 6-inch piece of floss, bring it up and down between the teeth, all the way to the gum line (and below the gum line if possible). Then, slide the floss sideways to clean the next area. Rep with each tooth connected to your permanent retainer.

2: Heat is not good for your retainer.

While you may enjoy a hot summer day at the beach or a steaming cup of tea on a chilly winter day, your retainer will not. Along with debris becoming lodged in your retainer in these instances, leaving it out in the heat may render it ineffective.

While your retainer is a marvel of modern engineering, it is still a piece of plastic that will warp if left on your car's dashboard on a hot day or in your mouth while sipping on your morning coffee. Because your retainer is custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly, any warping will cause it to become misshapen and ineffective at holding your teeth in place. Also only clean with warm water, never hot.

3: No harsh chemicals needed

You can forgo harsh cleansers and chemicals when cleaning your retainer and simply clean it using the dish soap/water combination mentioned above.

If you are worried about bacteria such as Streptococcus, which causes strep throat, chemical cleaning tablets can be used to kill these. Otherwise, your regular soap and water should suffice.

4. Soak only as much as often as needed

If you do use cleaning tablets, you may wish to set an alarm on your phone while soaking your retainer.

Additionally, it can be soaked in mouthwash to keep it smelling fresh - simply combine an equal amount of mouthwash with lukewarm water. Additionally, only occasionally soak your retainer in mouthwash if the mouthwash contains alcohol.

5. Store your retainer in its case

Removable retainers have a number of disadvantages. You can take them out to eat, which simplifies eating, but if you are prone to being absent-minded, you risk losing your retainer or putting it in danger of becoming dirty or damaged.

Your retainer comes with a case to prevent all that. Use the case to avoid damage to the retainer.

6. Replace it as much as you need

Retainers, like anything else, have a useful life. They may become loose over time and no longer fit as snugly as they once did, or calcium may build up and affect how the retainer fits, despite your best efforts to keep them clean.

When these things happen, it’s time to get a new retainer. At Burnaby Heights Orthodontics, we can create an impression of your teeth and have a brand new retainer made for you.

7. Remember to keep a spare retainer close by

Accidents do occur. Retainers become lost, damaged, or simply wear out in the scenarios described above. Because obtaining a new retainer may take time, you'll want to keep a spare one on hand to prevent your teeth from shifting in the interim, especially in the first few months after your braces or clear aligner treatment are over.

Are you wondering how you can keep your retainer clean? Our Burnaby orthodontists are here to discuss what will change and how to get back to your normal life.

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